Angel's Blog

Peer Review for Group B

After reviewing Group B’s learning interactive resource project, 

Aesthetic design: 

Comments: The first impression is that I really enjoy the color tone of the entire website with the collaboration of green and white, making the page look clean and tidy. Meanwhile, I also feel the design of the homepage is excellent and straightforward, with the bolded font of the title that tells me what the main topic is; the list of activities with their corresponding links direct to the activities’ details assist me in identifying which step I should move first instead of being lost in the site. When you click on each link, the detailed pages display quickly with a suitable number of images in each section and a well-organized format for writing content. I especially love the design of the course outline, which includes all the subtopics that are covered under the main topic, with expanding arrows on the right of each section to extend further categorized contents that relate to each subtopic. 


  1. I just would like to bring out a few little suggestions, which perhaps the group might consider adding the numerical number at the left of each section in the table of contents to help the learners identify the order to follow the activities more in advance. 
  2. Meanwhile, the group might consider changing the written format of each section in the table of contents into a more uniform structure (such as 1. Course Outline; 2. Learning design; 3. Learning theory, etc.); it will make the entire page look more professional and organized.  

Content design: 

Comments: The contents of the entire learning resources are well-formed with detailed explanations. When I click each section’s link on the homepage, it directs me to the appropriate detailed content that well introduces what the section is about. It makes me surprised that the group introduces and integrates not only one learning theory and approach in their learning resource design. I agree that the combination of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism learning theories would be great for different styles of students because it contains responding, critical-thinking, and self-exploring processes, which achieves a great degree of inclusiveness. I feel connected with the group’s idea of choosing an inquiry-based learning approach in their design because my post two mainly explored the character of this kind of approach. I would consider this as an excellent approach because it focuses on the interaction of individuals in the course, which provides the students with the opportunity to bring out their questions with curiosity and provide answers to others’ questions after performing the self-exploration process. It practices students’ ability for open-minded communication and critical thinking. The overall learning context design is clearly stated with different methods of conducting the learning course, which is comprehensive. Meanwhile, the addition of the descriptions of the potential barriers is excellent as well because they provide the learners an understanding of the possible deficiency of the course design, which creates a more concrete image recognition for the students to the course and sets their expectations. I like the way that the group arranges their activities and assessment. Each subtopic section in the course outline contains the corresponding activities and their assessments directly at the bottom of the section, which is convenient for the learners to connect and consolidate the knowledge they learned in each section with the assignments. The activities’ instructions are detailed and interactive. The assignments, such as group presentations and discussions, all involve collaboration and communication between students to students, students to teachers, and students to the learning materials. I would say that the overall project does a fantastic job!  


  1. Sometimes it seems to me that some pages may have too much-written information on them, which causes me to feel overloaded in my mind. Perhaps changing some paragraphs into bullet points could make the contents better. 
  2. When reading the learning theory that is used in their design, I feel surprised and inspired to see that the group combines all three kinds of theories to perform their activities. However, perhaps the groups could emphasize more on one concept that is most related to their study design to provide the learners clearer recognition of the overall style of the interactive learning resource. 
  3. I might miss it, but perhaps the group could contain more descriptions for the potential audience to let the potential learners understand more about the level of the learning resources (maybe for new beginners or experts, etc.).
  4. Perhaps the group could edit their learning outcomes into a more measurable format, such as using verbs like define, memorize, describe, etc., to start the sentence. 

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