Angel's Blog

About Me

Hello, this is Angel (Aizhou) Liu who is currently enrolled in the fourth year of the Health Information Science Program at the University of Victoria and will be graduated at this summer term!

My hometown is located in the middle part of China, and I have been staying in Victoria for about 8 years since I started my study journey in grade 9 at high school. I love handcrafting, skiing, cooking, and playing badminton, etc. Currently, I am working on knitting work, which is about creating a carpet with a blue and white porcelain style pattern on it.

This is my fourth time taking EDCI courses as I finished EDCI 337, 338, and 339 in the previous terms. I enjoy the teaching format of this kind of course as I could have the opportunity to recognize and communicate with more people from different majors and programs and learn about varied learning styles from every individual in the class.

Even though my university study life is approaching its end, but I believe the study journey will last forever. I am expecting to see the diverse learning experiences and methods from different individuals in the course, and hope all of us could have a great time during this semester!


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